CEO Today Management Consul t ing Award s 2022 - ITALY - - 10 - the dynamics of a company in depth and knows how to interpret them. You cannot help a business if you do not know how it works. I know that my position is completely at odds with the suggestions of some coaching companies (some claim that the coach does not have to know the dynamics of a business to be effective; indeed I often hear that it is preferable to be completely unrelated to it). However, my observation of the facts and my experience lead me to say that a coach who wants to work in business cannot fail to have previous experience of the company. That is why my coaches are all entrepreneurs, professionals, or managers. In addition, there are several soft skills that are crucial. The first is the ability to deal with situations, such as the moments of demotivation of your client – his fear, his worries, his desire to escape, or simply his ineptitude in the face of problems. It is also essential to face the emotional At themoment inwhich I amanswering these questions, a new crisis has just opened linked to the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which will undoubtedly lead to economic strain for businesses. As always, our work will be oriented to find ways to transform crises into opportunities for personal and professional growth, trying to minimise the impact on our country while working alongside entrepreneurs. You have said in the past that coaching is not just a job for you, but part of your personality. What personal skills and personality traits would you describe as necessary for an effective business coach? First, I focus on technical skills. It is essential that a business coach knows positioning for the company or for individual products and setting up a system of offers that can attract new customers or retain old ones. Do you foresee new opportunities emerging for yourself and your clients as pandemic restrictions recede? We start from the assumption that every change – even positive – as the hoped-for resolution of the pandemic still leads to the need to review business systems, which always starts from the analysis of the current scenario for the structuring of an effective strategy. We will have to learn if the scenario will return to how it was before the pandemic or, as I believe, the way we worked before will be integrated with what we have learned, innovated and implemented during the crisis.
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