Dionisis Grigoropoulos Founder and CEO Logistics Way www.logistics-way.gr About Dionisis Grigoropoulos Dionisis has been a certified instructor in the area of Supply Chain. He has more than 20 years experience in the area of Supply Chain Management, in the IT industry, Sales and Management. During the Athens Olympic Games he was the Project Manager for the installation of a telematic management solution in more than αχείρισης 5.000 vehicles. He si a founding member of ITS HELLAS as well as a board member for the period of 2007-2009. In 2009 he founded Logistics Way operating in the area of Supply Chain, Logistics, IT Management (TransportationManagement Systems, WMS, POD, ERP, ABC analysis) OPERATION & BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, 4PL (Fourth Party logistics), AEGEAN NET (Network Development for the promotion of Greek products), HOTEL LOGISTICS. Firm Profile We exclusively focus on providing financially viable value to our clients. We assist our clients to deeply understand the inefficiencies of their supply chain and to determine a strategic reengineering and a relevant road map towards improving their performance. We have the methodology, the tools, and the skills to support our clients for their initial needs up to the measurable added value to their company. LogisticsWay consists of a specialized team of Supply Chain Executives. We have a wealth of experience in many industries such as General Commerce, Production, Services and we believe that the traditional methods of managing supply chains have become rather obsolete. Discover how our specialized team can support viable change and offer real added value to your company. CEO Today Management Consul t ing Award s 2022 - GREECE - - 31 -
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