CEO Today Management Consul t ing Award s 2022 - CANADA - - 52 - CEO of NorthBridge Consultants Sol Algranti About Sol Algranti Sol is an accomplished entrepreneur, operator and investor with more than 40 years of experience in engineering, manufacturing, operations and business services. He has successfully acquired, grown and exited numerous manufacturing companies, mainly in the plastics sector. Sol is President and CEO of NorthBridge Consultants, one of the largest independent government funding consulting firms in Canada, the CEO of NorthSpring Capital Partners, one of the few merchant banks in Ontario investing up to $1 million of risk capital in privately held businesses in Canada, and the CEO of NorthTech Capital Investors, a venture capital investment firm providing early stage funding for Canadian technology start-up companies. His diverse experience gives him a unique insight into all aspects of business necessary to achieve growth and success. Sol is a Mechanical Engineer and earned his Master of Science degree in “Manufacturing and Systems Engineering” from the University of Saltford in England.
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