For an entrepreneur or a professional, it is important to be in the mindset of a paradigm shift in the world of work. This means, basically, that in the future finding good employees will be more difficult than finding customers. The increasingly widespread needs in Italy are, on the one hand, to create wellstructured, organised and efficient work environments in which everyone can make their own contribution and have the satisfaction of achieving company objectives (since everyone likes to win), and on the other hand recognising the importance of enlisting, training and retaining more and more qualified staff and hiring new talents. To do this, company heads need to work mindfully on their leadership. Today it is clear that the “predict and control” approach is no longer sufficient to maintain this management style. Bridging the gap between generations must begin with the belief that all employees, regardless of age, have an innate need to find purpose and balance in their life. Finally, themanagement of companies and leadership will increasingly need technological tools, both for the measurement and analysis of performance and for relations with personnel. It is now established that working from home will take on an important share of the team’s working hours. How do you expect these to affect the growth of your business throughout 2022? Technological growth certainly offers increasingly effective tools for the analysis of the trend of metrics and the monitoring of KPIs, allowing an increasingly in-depth awareness of one’s business and the possibility of promptly intervening on any drop in statistics. With this in mind, it will be even more important to make entrepreneurs understand the need to introduce the use of these tools into everyday life. These are often experienced by employees as control tools, but are in reality necessary for the growth of the business. Another engine of growth is linked to leadership. It will be essential to work correctly and in a focused way on human resources, creating rewarding systems that encourage both the individual and the team, thereby promoting the personal and professional growth of each collaborator and creating an environment in which people work with pleasure. Leaders should also pay great attention to communication in their organisations. All this will help to build a healthy business reality, increase employee satisfaction, retain the best people and attract new talent. The ideal client of BCI is not only an entrepreneur or a manager but also a freelancer. If you think this refers to you, you must: • Make your company anorganisation that works and can produce visible results in terms of profitability and performance right away, in addition to finding the right strategies to grow after a moment of crisis and sometimes just stall or simply adapt to changes in the market or the context in which it operates. • Get better results from your teamof sellers, such as increased conversion rates, working both online and offline. • Set up your business structure so that you stop having to do everything yourself. Have a robust recruitment process to avoid hiring and having to keep the wrong person in the company. • Create a rewarding system that can really incentivize your employees and thus have an adequate ROI; automate your company by defining an organic system of procedures and protocols that all collaborators are able to follow without errors and that avoids continuously intervening in the operation; understand how to expand and scale your business, combining online and offline facets. • Define a control and measurement system, such as KPI dashboards and statistics, that help you discern what happens to your company as it evolves and not when everything is over, so you can understand how to adjust the trajectory every day to keep the course towards your set goal. Learn to manage leadership and find the most suitable style for your employees to become independently productive. • Create a marketing strategy capable of analysing the real need of the market, adapting to frequent changes, defining the most correct One of the most valuable skills that a coach gives to the client is the ability to remain calm, lucid and analytical when everyone is in the grip of anxiety. ❝ ❝ CEO Today Management Consul t ing Award s 2022 - ITALY - - 9 -
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