CEO Today Management Consulting Awards 2023 - ITALY - - 29 - Carlo Capè was born in Milan in 1961 and is Bip Co-Founder and CEO. After a degree in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 1987, he undertook an Executive Degree at the MIT Sloan School of Management, Boston in 1992. In 1987 he began working as business management consultant for Italian and European companies in logistics and reengineering projects in the Manufacturing, Telecom and Utilities sectors. Moving to Deloitte in 2001, he was the partner responsible for the Oil & Gas Industry in the EU. Since 2003 he has been involved in the liberalisation, privatisation and regulation processes of the Energy & Utility sector and has cooperated with regulators, authorities and big industrial groups in defining rules, new business models and in market development. In the same year he decided to found, with five other partners, Bip – Business Integration Partners of which he has been CEO since the start. He is co-author of the book “When the made in Italy is stronger than the crisis: lesson learnt” published in 2015 by Mc Graw Hill in partnership with Politecnico di Milano and “Energy Management: value chain, business models, management systems and regulations” published in 2011 by Gruppo Il Sole 24 Ore. He is also author of several articles on Organisation and Management including: “Dynamic Manufacturing – Appendix to the Italian edition” – Hayes, Wheelwright, Clark (IPSOA); “Chief Information Officer: the challenge of pragmatic innovation ” – Capè, Motta, Troiani (Il Sole 24 Ore); “Chief Information Officer – How to reconcile innovation and budget” – Capè, Motta, Troiani (Development & Organisation). For many years he has been a speaker at the Energy Summit and other events in the sector thanks to his expertise in the Energy field. He is also a member of the board of MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business and a member of the Scientific Committee of the Master in Energy Management. From 2014 to 2018 he has been the Board President of Assoconsult, (the association of Confindustria consulting firms), and he was the coordinator of the working group which produced the innovative Social responsibility code of ethics for consultants, approved in March 2013. Carlo Maria Capè CEO of Business Integration Partners S.p.A. ABOUT CARLO MARIA CAPÈ “Since 2003, Carlo has been involved in the liberalisation, privatisation and regulation processes of the Energy & Utility sector.”
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